Teaching Truth + Learning Identity + Discovering your Destiny
What does it mean to walk out a “Kingdom Living” life?
The revelation you will discover in the HCSKL course will take you deeper in the truth of the Word of God and reveal the Good News in a life changing way.
Since the school was released in 2011, The HCSKL course has impacted and transformed thousands of lives with this radical message. It will change your perspective and give you a deeper revelation of your identity in Christ.
“You are the Will of God.” – Dan Mohler
HCSKL with Dan Mohler - 2011
In 2011 we launched an incredible 51 day school that is touching hearts, changing lives and releasing the perspective of God and His Kingdom Revelation on the earth! Since that school, countless lives have been transformed and the demand has continued to grow to have those teachings available on DVD.
Unfortunately, our media department had limited means and low quality equipment. While we did video record the school, it is not the quality we wish we could have been able to offer. So for years we have not mass produced the Kingdom Living school. But the demand keeps growing! While the quality of the film is lacking, the quality of the message is increasing everyday! There are many who are seeking this incredible teaching.
So we have answered the call! We have mass produced the 51 days, with 51 DVDs. It was with a lot of hard work and expense that we have been able to provide this incredible content to you. And we apologize that the video quality is not the excellence that we would want to provide. We hope that the proceeds from these DVDs cover the production costs and can be used to further bless our media department so that we can offer future teachings with excellence.
We know that these teachings will enrich and empower your life and we cannot wait to hear from you!
* Day one, there is no visual for this day. - Our first shot at this and the devil must have gotten into the video equipment because we have no visual for that day only audio. It still plays on your DVD player. Enjoy it! We didn’t let the devil win and neither will you!