Pastor Don Wolabaugh
Senior Pastor and founder of Harvest Chapel Pastor Don has a passion for people. He desires for everyone to know their identity and value in Christ.
He is a dynamic preacher and has been serving the body of Christ for over 35 years. Preaching, teaching and pastoring Harvest Chapel, you can find his teachings by visiting the church in Abbottstown, PA or checking out our YouTube Channel. You can also request for him to speak at your church conference or event by visiting Harvest Chapel’s website.

Pastor Dan Mohler
Pastor Dan’s mission is to connect the body to the head - Jesus Christ. That is where he came up with the name neck ministries. With a heart for the body of Christ he travels the US sharing the gospel and bringing a NOW revelation from the Lord. Traveling as the Lord leads him, his ministry schedule is unpublished. He has a passion for the purpose of the Lord and he walks in love.
His hectic schedule prevents him from ministering one on one. But he has led the teachings found in the HCSKL to help people on an individual basis. He is an amazing man of God and appreciates your prayers and support.
Daniel Burton
Daniel is one of our newest team members here at Harvest. He is the primary teacher in our 2018 Kingdom School of Living. In 2003 Daniel was delivered from drug addiction and mental illness through an encounter with Jesus. After that encounter, it became his heart's desire to be on the frontline of sharing Jesus with the world. He married Christina in 2012 and since then they have ministered with signs and wonders across Australia, Uganda, The Philippines, Europe and the United States. He is passionate about equipping and encouraging the church of Christ with the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ, ignited through the word of truth and the Holy Spirit. Daniel moves in healing, words of knowledge, and the prophetic. He loves to see people re-ignited with the fire of their first love and positioned in their God-given identity!

Pastor Lori Wolabaugh
Pastor Lori, affectionately known as "Mama Lori" to her church family, lives a life of joy and laughter. Sharing, teaching and encouraging women in the joys of Just Doing Life as they learn who they are and how they are over-comers as Daughters of the King.
You can also request for her to speak at your church conference or event by visiting Harvest Chapel’s website.

Matthew Smith
Matthew serves as our Youth Pastor. He has a heart to see a generation of young people walking in their created value as sons and daughters of God. God has opened doors for Matthew to share the love of Jesus in many local school districts and is seeing God do amazing things in unlikely places. He does not look at youth ministry as a stepping stone but a calling to shepherd a generation of young people and see Jesus get His full reward. Matt is a graduate of BSSM and has also produced his first rap album “City Lights” where he speaks to young people about their true identity. Matt is also our Harvest Chapel School of Kingdom Living (hcskl) Administrator and married to Anna, who also serves at Harvest as our receptionist.
You can also request for him to speak at your church conference or event by visiting Harvest Chapel’s website.
Lisa Hicks
Lisa is an anointed speaker and prophet to the house. With a vibrant passion for the Word of God, she speaks in conferences and services throughout the country. She enjoys sharing with women and seeing their lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lisa, alongside her husband, David own and operate Hicks paving company.
You can also request for her to speak at your church conference or event by visiting Harvest Chapel’s website.

Bill Vanderbush​
Bill has been a Pastor for 25 years. He currently travels full time speaking at conferences and churches around the world. Bill works with New York Times Bestselling Author, Ted Dekker. Bill and Ted co-authored a book and study course called “The Forgotten Way of Yeshua. The Path to Power and Peace in This Life”. Bill’s consuming passion is to empower people to do the greater works that Jesus spoke of and live out the mystery of our union with Christ. Their ministry invites people into a spontaneous, Holy Spirit-led, team ministry training experience that will forever transform the way you see and do life. You will be empowered to invade the impossible. Bill and Traci currently live in Celebration, Florida. They have two grown children, Britain and Sara, who also live in Orlando.
Service Times
9:15 & 11:15am
Harvest Chapel

Our desire is to create an impact by passionately and clearly communicating the message of truth and love. We emphasize sonship, identity and the gifts of the spirit. We are developing leaders and establishing an empowerment culture while continuously honoring one another.
We welcome you to attend our services or visit our YouTube Channel to watch us LIVE. While we appreciate your support of this ministry we emphasize the importance of finding a local church to connect and be a part of.
Harvest Chapel
6947 York Road
Abbottstown, PA